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Windows System Exit Code Description - 10000 and above

10004 A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall. 
10009 The file handle supplied is not valid. 
10013 An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. 
10014 The system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument in a call. 
10022 An invalid argument was supplied. 
10024 Too many open sockets. 
10035 A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately. 
10036 A blocking operation is currently executing. 
10037 An operation was attempted on a non-blocking socket that already had an operation in progress. 
10038 An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. 
10039 A required address was omitted from an operation on a socket. 
10040 A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself. 
10041 A protocol was specified in the socket function call that does not support the semantics of the socket type requested. 
10042 An unknown, invalid, or unsupported option or level was specified in a getsockopt or setsockopt call. 
10043 The requested protocol has not been configured into the system, or no implementation for it exists. 
10044 The support for the specified socket type does not exist in this address family. 
10045 The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced. 
10046 The protocol family has not been configured into the system or no implementation for it exists. 
10047 An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used. 
10048 Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. 
10049 The requested address is not valid in its context. 
10050 A socket operation encountered a dead network. 
10051 A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network. 
10052 The connection has been broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress. 
10053 An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. 
10054 An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. 
10055 An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full. 
10056 A connect request was made on an already connected socket. 
10057 A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied. 
10058 A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down in that direction with a previous shutdown call. 
10059 Too many references to some kernel object. 
10060 A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. 
10061 No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. 
10062 Cannot translate name. 
10063 Name component or name was too long. 
10064 A socket operation failed because the destination host was down. 
10065 A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host. 
10066 Cannot remove a directory that is not empty. 
10067 A Windows Sockets implementation may have a limit on the number of applications that may use it simultaneously. 
10068 Ran out of quota. 
10069 Ran out of disk quota. 
10070 File handle reference is no longer available. 
10071 Item is not available locally. 
10091 WSAStartup cannot function at this time because the underlying system it uses to provide network services is currently unavailable. 
10092 The Windows Sockets version requested is not supported. 
10093 Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed. 
10101 Returned by WSARecv or WSARecvFrom to indicate the remote party has initiated a graceful shutdown sequence. 
10102 No more results can be returned by WSALookupServiceNext. 
10103 A call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. The call has been canceled. 
10104 The procedure call table is invalid. 
10105 The requested service provider is invalid. 
10106 The requested service provider could not be loaded or initialized. 
10107 A system call that should never fail has failed. 
10108 No such service is known. The service cannot be found in the specified name space. 
10109 The specified class was not found. 
10110 No more results can be returned by WSALookupServiceNext. 
10111 A call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. The call has been canceled. 
10112 A database query failed because it was actively refused. 
11001 No such host is known. 
11002 This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server. 
11003 A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup. 
11004 The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for. 
11005 At least one reserve has arrived. 
11006 At least one path has arrived. 
11007 There are no senders. 
11008 There are no receivers. 
11009 Reserve has been confirmed. 
11010 Error due to lack of resources. 
11011 Rejected for administrative reasons - bad credentials. 
11012 Unknown or conflicting style. 
11013 Problem with some part of the filterspec or providerspecific buffer in general. 
11014 Problem with some part of the flowspec. 
11015 General QOS error. 
11016 An invalid or unrecognized service type was found in the flowspec. 
11017 An invalid or inconsistent flowspec was found in the QOS structure. 
11018 Invalid QOS provider-specific buffer. 
11019 An invalid QOS filter style was used. 
11020 An invalid QOS filter type was used. 
11021 An incorrect number of QOS FILTERSPECs were specified in the FLOWDESCRIPTOR. 
11022 An object with an invalid ObjectLength field was specified in the QOS provider-specific buffer. 
11023 An incorrect number of flow descriptors was specified in the QOS structure. 
11024 An unrecognized object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer. 
11025 An invalid policy object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer. 
11026 An invalid QOS flow descriptor was found in the flow descriptor list. 
11027 An invalid or inconsistent flowspec was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer. 
11028 An invalid FILTERSPEC was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer. 
11029 An invalid shape discard mode object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer. 
11030 An invalid shaping rate object was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer. 
11031 A reserved policy element was found in the QOS provider-specific buffer. 
13000 The specified quick mode policy already exists. 
13001 The specified quick mode policy was not found. 
13002 The specified quick mode policy is being used. 
13003 The specified main mode policy already exists. 
13004 The specified main mode policy was not found. 
13005 The specified main mode policy is being used. 
13006 The specified main mode filter already exists. 
13007 The specified main mode filter was not found. 
13008 The specified transport mode filter already exists. 
13009 The specified transport mode filter does not exist. 
13010 The specified main mode authentication list exists. 
13011 The specified main mode authentication list was not found. 
13012 The specified quick mode policy is being used. 
13013 The specified main mode policy was not found. 
13014 The specified quick mode policy was not found. 
13015 The manifest file contains one or more syntax errors. 
13016 The application attempted to activate a disabled activation context. 
13017 The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context. 
13018 The Main Mode filter is pending deletion. 
13019 The transport filter is pending deletion. 
13020 The tunnel filter is pending deletion. 
13021 The Main Mode policy is pending deletion. 
13022 The Main Mode authentication bundle is pending deletion. 
13023 The Quick Mode policy is pending deletion. 
13801 IKE authentication credentials are unacceptable. 
13802 IKE security attributes are unacceptable. 
13803 IKE Negotiation in progress. 
13804 General processing error. 
13805 Negotiation timed out. 
13806 IKE failed to find valid machine certificate. 
13807 IKE SA deleted by peer before establishment completed. 
13808 IKE SA deleted before establishment completed. 
13809 Negotiation request sat in Queue too long. 
13810 Negotiation request sat in Queue too long. 
13811 Negotiation request sat in Queue too long. 
13812 Negotiation request sat in Queue too long. 
13813 No response from peer. 
13814 Negotiation took too long. 
13815 Negotiation took too long. 
13816 Unknown error occurred. 
13817 Certificate Revocation Check failed. 
13818 Invalid certificate key usage. 
13819 Invalid certificate type. 
13820 No private key associated with machine certificate. 
13822 Failure in Diffie-Helman computation. 
13824 Invalid header. 
13825 No policy configured. 
13826 Failed to verify signature. 
13827 Failed to authenticate using Kerberos. 
13828 Peer's certificate did not have a public key. 
13829 Error processing error payload. 
13830 Error processing SA payload. 
13831 Error processing Proposal payload. 
13832 Error processing Transform payload. 
13833 Error processing KE payload. 
13834 Error processing ID payload. 
13835 Error processing Cert payload. 
13836 Error processing Certificate Request payload. 
13837 Error processing Hash payload. 
13838 Error processing Signature payload. 
13839 Error processing Nonce payload. 
13840 Error processing Notify payload. 
13841 Error processing Delete Payload. 
13842 Error processing VendorId payload. 
13843 Invalid payload received. 
13844 Soft SA loaded. 
13845 Soft SA torn down. 
13846 Invalid cookie received.. 
13847 Peer failed to send valid machine certificate. 
13848 Certification Revocation check of peer's certificate failed. 
13849 New policy invalidated SAs formed with old policy. 
13850 There is no available Main Mode IKE policy. 
13851 Failed to enabled TCB privilege. 
13852 Failed to load SECURITY.DLL. 
13853 Failed to obtain security function table dispatch address from SSPI. 
13854 Failed to query Kerberos package to obtain max token size. 
13855 Failed to obtain Kerberos server credentials for ISAKMP/ERROR_IPSEC_IKE service. Kerberos authentication will not function. The most likely reason for this is lack of domain membership. This is normal if your computer is a member of a workgroup. 
13856 Failed to determine SSPI principal name for ISAKMP/ERROR_IPSEC_IKE service (QueryCredentialsAttributes). 
13857 Failed to obtain new SPI for the inbound SA from Ipsec driver. The most common cause for this is that the driver does not have the correct filter. Check your policy to verify the filters. 
13858 Given filter is invalid. 
13859 Memory allocation failed. 
13860 Failed to add Security Association to IPSec Driver. The most common cause for this is if the IKE negotiation took too long to complete. If the problem persists, reduce the load on the faulting machine. 
13861 Invalid policy. 
13862 Invalid DOI. 
13863 Invalid situation. 
13864 Diffie-Hellman failure. 
13865 Invalid Diffie-Hellman group. 
13866 Error encrypting payload. 
13867 Error decrypting payload. 
13868 Policy match error. 
13869 Unsupported ID. 
13870 Hash verification failed. 
13871 Invalid hash algorithm. 
13872 Invalid hash size. 
13873 Invalid encryption algorithm. 
13874 Invalid authentication algorithm. 
13875 Invalid certificate signature. 
13876 Load failed. 
13877 Deleted via RPC call. 
13878 Temporary state created to perform reinit. This is not a real failure. 
13879 The lifetime value received in the Responder Lifetime Notify is below the Windows 2000 configured minimum value. Please fix the policy on the peer machine. 
13881 Key length in certificate is too small for configured security requirements. 
13882 Max number of established MM SAs to peer exceeded. 
13883 IKE received a policy that disables negotiation. 
14000 The requested section was not present in the activation context. 
14001 This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. 
14002 The application binding data format is invalid. 
14003 The referenced assembly is not installed on your system. 
14004 The manifest file does not begin with the required tag and format information. 
14005 The manifest file contains one or more syntax errors. 
14006 The application attempted to activate a disabled activation context. 
14007 The requested lookup key was not found in any active activation context. 
14008 A component version required by the application conflicts with another component version already active. 
14009 The type requested activation context section does not match the query API used. 
14010 Lack of system resources has required isolated activation to be disabled for the current thread of execution. 
14011 An attempt to set the process default activation context failed because the process default activation context was already set. 
14012 The encoding group identifier specified is not recognized. 
14013 The encoding requested is not recognized. 
14014 The manifest contains a reference to an invalid URI. 
14015 The application manifest contains a reference to a dependent assembly which is not installed. 
14016 The manifest for an assembly used by the application has a reference to a dependent assembly which is not installed. 
14017 The manifest contains an attribute for the assembly identity which is not valid. 
14018 The manifest is missing the required default namespace specification on the assembly element. 
14019 The manifest has a default namespace specified on the assembly element but its value is not "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1". 
14020 The private manifest probe has crossed the reparse-point-associated path. 
14021 Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have files by the same name. 
14022 Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have window classes with the same name. 
14023 Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM server CLSIDs. 
14024 Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have proxies for the same COM interface IIDs. 
14025 Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM type library TLBIDs. 
14026 Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have the same COM ProgIDs. 
14027 Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest are different versions of the same component which is not permitted. 
14028 A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest. 
14029 The policy manifest contains one or more syntax errors. 
14030 Manifest Parse Error : A string literal was expected, but no opening quote character was found. 
14031 Manifest Parse Error : Incorrect syntax was used in a comment. 
14032 Manifest Parse Error : A name was started with an invalid character. 
14033 Manifest Parse Error : A name contained an invalid character. 
14034 Manifest Parse Error : A string literal contained an invalid character. 
14035 Manifest Parse Error : Invalid syntax for an XML declaration. 
14036 Manifest Parse Error : An invalid character was found in text content. 
14037 Manifest Parse Error : Required white space was missing. 
14038 Manifest Parse Error : The character '>' was expected. 
14039 Manifest Parse Error : A semi colon character was expected. 
14040 Manifest Parse Error : Unbalanced parentheses. 
14041 Manifest Parse Error : Internal error. 
14042 Manifest Parse Error : White space is not allowed at this location. 
14043 Manifest Parse Error : End of file reached in invalid state for current encoding. 
14044 Manifest Parse Error : Missing parenthesis. 
14045 Manifest Parse Error : A single or double closing quote character (\' or \") is missing. 
14046 Manifest Parse Error : Multiple colons are not allowed in a name. 
14047 Manifest Parse Error : Invalid character for decimal digit. 
14048 Manifest Parse Error : Invalid character for hexadecimal digit. 
14049 Manifest Parse Error : Invalid Unicode character value for this platform. 
14050 Manifest Parse Error : Expecting white space or '?'. 
14051 Manifest Parse Error : End tag was not expected at this location. 
14052 Manifest Parse Error : The following tags were not closed: %1. 
14053 Manifest Parse Error : Duplicate attribute. 
14054 Manifest Parse Error : Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document. 
14055 Manifest Parse Error : Invalid at the top level of the document. 
14056 Manifest Parse Error : Invalid XML declaration. 
14057 Manifest Parse Error : XML document must have a top level element. 
14058 Manifest Parse Error : Unexpected end of file. 
14059 Manifest Parse Error : Parameter entities cannot be used inside markup declarations in an internal subset. 
14060 Manifest Parse Error : Element was not closed. 
14061 Manifest Parse Error : End element was missing the character '>'. 
14062 Manifest Parse Error : A string literal was not closed. 
14063 Manifest Parse Error : A comment was not closed. 
14064 Manifest Parse Error : A declaration was not closed. 
14065 Manifest Parse Error : A CDATA section was not closed. 
14066 Manifest Parse Error : The namespace prefix is not allowed to start with the reserved string "xml". 
14067 Manifest Parse Error : System does not support the specified encoding. 
14068 Manifest Parse Error : Switch from current encoding to specified encoding not supported. 
14069 Manifest Parse Error : The name 'xml' is reserved and must be lower case. 
14070 Manifest Parse Error : The standalone attribute must have the value 'yes' or 'no'. 
14071 Manifest Parse Error : The standalone attribute cannot be used in external entities. 
14072 Manifest Parse Error : Invalid version number. 
14073 Manifest Parse Error : Missing equals sign between attribute and attribute value. 
14074 Assembly Protection Error: Unable to recover the specified assembly. 
14075 Assembly Protection Error: The public key for an assembly was too short to be allowed. 
14076 Assembly Protection Error: The catalog for an assembly is not valid, or does not match the assembly's manifest. 
14077 An HRESULT could not be translated to a corresponding Win32 error code. 
14078 Assembly Protection Error: The catalog for an assembly is missing. 
14079 The supplied assembly identity is missing one or more attributes which must be present in this context. 
14080 The supplied assembly identity has one or more attribute names that contain characters not permitted in XML names. 

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