Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)

Situation: The client lost her USB drive. When she can see tit in Disk management with Unknown and Not Initialized.

If she tries to initialize, she gets this message: Data Error (cyclic redundancy check).

Troubleshooting: 1. Try Stellar Data Recovery scan and deep scan, can’t see any files.

2. Try EaseUS Data Recovery, scan and deep scan, can’t see anything.

3. Try MiniTool Power Data Recovery, we can see some RAW files.

Installing .NET Framework 3.5 gets Error 0x800F0954

Situation: when the client tries to install .NET Framework 3.5/2.0 on his Windows 10 computer, he gets this error:

Windows couldn’t complete the requested changes.

The changes couldn’t be completed. Please reboot your computer and try again.

Error code: 0x800F0954


  1. Install .NET Framework (or Optional Features) from Windows 10 ISO or DVD. 1) Mount the Windows 10 ISO image or inset DVD. 2) locate the sources>sxs location, for example E:\sources\sxs. 3) Open an elevated Command Prompt (Administrator) window. 4) Run this command: dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:E:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess or powershell command:

Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name NetFx3~~~~ -Source E:\Sources\SxS

2. Bypass WSUS if you have WSUS. Please refer to this article:

How to disable WSUS policy on workstation

Recovery Services and Rate

Data Recovery Rate

Diagnostic Fee: $50 (waived if it is for personal use or paid for the recovery)

Level One – Data accidentally deleted from a working drive; Data lost because a drive was reformatted; Lost data because of Windows OS update: $199 up to 10 GB (includes Diagnostic Fee: $50.00).

Level Two – Windows OS corruption; Files are damaged; Files deleted and then overwritten after continued hard drive use: $399.99 up to 10 GB (includes Diagnostic Fee: $50.00).

Level Three – Windows severe file system issues; Encrypted files; Light mechanical issues: $599.99 up to 10 GB (includes Diagnostic Fee: $50.00).

Level Four – Serious server issues with file system or software; RAID file system recovery; Failed or damaged hard drive: $1000 up to 100 GB (includes Diagnostic Fee: $50.00).

Additional Fee is $100 per hour after 10 GB/100 GB (Level Four) GB recovery.

Windows OS Recovery Rate

Diagnostic Fee: $50 (waived if it is for personal use or paid for the recovery) Fee: $50 (waived if it is for personal use or paid for the recovery).

Windows Workstation Recovery: $150 (includes Diagnostic Fee: $50.00).

Windows Server Recovery: $250 (includes Diagnostic Fee: $50.00).

Additional Fee is $100 per hour if it is more than 3 hours.

“The name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site” in Outlook

Situation: When the user opens Outlook, he gets this error: “The name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site”

Troubleshooting: In most cases, this is Autodiscover Domain Name System (DNS) records issue. Use to troubleshoot Autodiscover problem or This Microsoft article may help:

“The name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match the ……/the-name-on-the-security-certificate-is- invalid-or-does-not-match-the

Or try to clear the cache.

Event ID 40960: The Security System detected an authentication error for the server LDAP. The failure code from authentication protocol Kerberos was “The user account has been automatically locked because too many invalid logon attempts or password change attempts have been requested.

Situation: Whenever morning, the user has a black screen and can’t login the domain computer. After restarting the computer, she can’t login because the account is locked.

Troubleshooting: The event viewer shows Event ID 40960: The Security System detected an authentication error for the server LDAP. The failure code from authentication protocol Kerberos was “The user account has been automatically locked because too many invalid logon attempts or password change attempts have been requested.

We find the user changed the computer screen save recently and she selects a family photo. We fix the problem by disabling the photo screen save.

Note: You may use some tools to troubleshoot this issue.

Account Lockout Tools
Virus alert about the Win32/Conficker worm


•user’s account in stored user name and passwords
•user’s account tied to persistent mapped drive
•user’s account as a service account
•user’s account used as an IIS application pool identity
•user’s account tied to a scheduled task
•un-suspending a virtual machine after a user’s pw as changed

For more refer KB article:

Troubleshooting account lockout the Microsoft PSS way:

Using the checked Netlogon.dll to track account lockouts

If the multiple user ids are getting locked in AD this could be the sympton of Win32/Conficker worm.

See this similar thread too:

Event ID 40690 – Accounts keep locking out