Windows FTP command doesn’t support Passive mode

Situation: The client move their FTP server from Windows IIS/FTP to FTP. Some clients have a problem to upload files.

Troubleshooting: 1. Paloalto Firewall monitor shows the FTP was established without any issues.

2. FTP log shows:

2019-10-31 19:40:53 69.x.x.x ftptransfer 21 PORT 69,x,x,x,221,201 – 200 34 28 – W7WVJ6DPADUJJOYYJ2ZW2SLLI FTP –


This client is trying to connect using ACTIVE FTP… basic knowledge of the FTP protocol would suffice to determine that this would never work. When a router or a firewall is between the client and the FTP server, the ONLY type of FTP that could ever hope to work is PASSIVE FTP.

So the client must be reconfigured to use PASSIVE FTP.

and make sure the server site firewall should open range ports, for example 1024-65536.

Note: the client site doesn’t need to open any inbound ports. However, if they blocks any inbound and outgoing ports, that will be a problem.

Update:The web server needs to be configured to send its external address as shown below.

Microsoft Edge shows only half page/window

Situation: Whenever the user opens Microsoft Edge, the small size is fine. However, if you Maximize, the windows shows only half.

Troubleshooting: 1. Reset display doesn’t fix the problem.

2. Right click on Microsoft Edge>App, reset or repair don’t fix the problem.

3. We also find some Windows applications such as Control Panel have the same problem.

4. We fix the problem by upgrade the display driver.

5. It happens again. I fixed it by upgrading the Monitor driver.

Barracuda System State – Error during backup initialization

Situation: The client uses Barracuda Backup a VM. It gets this error: System State – Error during backup initialization.

Troubleshooting: 1. vssadmin list writers shows this error:

Writer name: ‘System Writer’

   Writer Id: {e8132975-6f93-4464-a53e-1050253ae220}

   Writer Instance Id: {6a0d330d-1683-4b11-adb6-8e2849bae709}

   State: [8] Failed

   Last error: Inconsistent shadow copy

2. If we disable backing up System State, the backup works.

resolutions: 1. Restart these services: :
Com + Event System
Cyriptograpic service
Barracuda Agent
2. If above solution doesn’t fix the problem, you may want to restart the server.
here is the case summary.

Here is a problem backing up the System State “Win32 Services Files” and the system state writer is in s failed state so, that needs to be restarted and you may want to look into the “tsredirect.exe” as that seems to be the cuprit, it may have been installed or uninstalled wrong or the link is bad, not sure.

File List: Path = \\filesvr01\data\temp\ts_redirect\application files\tsredirect_1_0_0_17, Filespec = tsredirect.ex

The system Writer is in a failed state
Writer name: ‘System Writer’

  Writer Id: {e8132975-6f93-4464-a53e-1050253ae220}

  Writer Instance Id: {6a0d330d-1683-4b11-adb6-8e2849bae709}

  State: [8] Failed

  Last error: Inconsistent shadow copy

 You can try restating :
Com + Event System
Cyriptograpic service
Barracuda Agent

If this does not work and the writer fails then there is a issue in the registry and the path above.

Can’t send email with this error: The client operation failed

Situation: The user can’t send email on Outlook 2016. The return message is ” The client operation failed”

Troubleshooting: 1. Close the Outlook and restart it.

2. Check the DNS settings.

3. Repair Outlook.

4. In our case, it is installed Windows update. Restart the computer and finishing update fixes the problem.

Can’t access a website with The connection with the server was reset

Situation: The user tries to download a form from BNA bank. She gets this message: The connection with the server was reset.

Troubleshooting: From Paloalto Firewall monitor, we can see the Application is incomplete.

  1. make sure the IP address is nor foreigner IP addresses.
  2. We find the executable file and PE are blocked by Firewall.

Please refer to this post:

How to create policy to allow executable file in Paloalto Firewall

Paloalto Firewall policy blocks downloading a executable file.

Situation: The client has Paloalto Firewall. When they access BNC bank to download a form, they get a error message saying the policy block downloading a executable file.

Resolution: Create a policy to allow download executable file. Please refer to this post:

How to create policy to allow executable file in Paloalto Firewall

Can’t install DVMax client because unable to save file in Windows\downlaod installation

Situation: The Animal Hospital uses DVMax. When upgrading DVMax from v8.5 to 8.7, they can’t install DVMax client because unable to save file in Windows\download installation.

Troubleshooting: In most cases, if you can’t read files or folders, it is permissions issue. There are two resolutions.

  1. Run the installation as admin.
  2. Assign full permission to the user who installs the software.