WiFi: can’t connect to this network

Situation: The user can’t connect his wifi at home.

Troubleshooting: 1. Assuming password is correct, check the WiFi router for Device manager and make sure the device is not blocked. This is an example screenshot.

2. Try to install latest WiFi driver.

3. Make sure the computer doesn’t have Windows update holding. If so, install it first.

4. Reset the wifi router by turn off the power and turn it on.

Can’t install GloablProtec VPN on Surface

Situation: The user has Microsoft Surface and would like to install Palo Alto VPN/GobalProect VPN on it. However, it goes to Microsoft store to download the app that doesn’t work.

Troubleshooting: you need to switch Windows S mode to regular Windows OS. Please refer to this post for more details.

What’s Windows 10 in S mode and how to switch out of S mode?

Can’t open or download PDF file from a website with Please wait…

Situation: The user tries to download a PDF file from a website, she gets this message:

Please wait …

If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF viewer may not be able to display this type of document.

You can upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Reader for Windows®, Mac, or Linux® by visiting http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html. For more assistance with Adobe Reader visit http://www.adobe.com/support/products/ acrreader.html.

Resolution: you are most likely trying to open a Dynamic XFA (XML Form Architecture) PDF. To view such pdf documents, download it to your local computer and then open it.

for example, right click on the PDF document. Select Save target as. Then open it from the location you saved it.

Can’t login Remote Server using RDP with protocol error

Situation: The client tries to access his server using RDP. It is denied with a protocol error.

Troubleshooting: he can ping the server. Possible reasons: 1. The server is rebooting.

2. The server is installing a windows update.

3. Make sure the server time is correct.

If it is possible, login the server from the console or iLO, iDRAC.

Can’t delete UPPERCASE PTR records in DNS on Windows 2012 R2

Situation: The client has a duplicated PTR records and can’t delete them.

Troubleshooting: We recommand them to use powershell or CND command. Here is the example

dnscmd DNSServerIP /RecordDelete Reverse Lookup Zone X.X.X PTR

In our example, DNSServerIP =, Reverse Lookup Zone = 10.in-addr.arpa, x.x.x = 126.0.0 (the host IP is

dnscmd /RecordDelete 10.in-addr.arpa 126.0.0 PTR

Event ID 58 and 157: Disk 1 has been surprise removed

Situation: The client has a windows 2012 R2 server logs this event ID 58 and 157:

The disk signature of disk 1 is equal to the disk signature of disk 0 and Disk 1 has been surprise removed.

Troubleshooting: This could be the backup or VSS issue. Since Veeam backup doesn’t have a problem, people say: “It is a known behavior in Windows Hypervisor environments and we can safely ignore the warnings”.

Create a group on Office 365, but can’t add external emails

Situation: The client created a group on Office 365 and two external email contacts. However, he can’t add those external email addresses to the group.

Troubleshooting: He created the external contact in Office 365 and they not not DC users. However, the group he create is for DC (Create a group with blue color in below screenshot) . Therefore, he can’t see them in the DC group. What he should do is creating a Distribution list under Office 365 (New Office 365 group).

This how to mat help: