How to fix FedEx ShipEngine services are not running on remote machine?

How to fix FedEx ShipEngine services are not running on remote machine?

To fix the “ShipEngine services are not running on the remote machine” issue, you can follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check ShipEngine Service Status:
    • Ensure that the ShipEngine services are installed and running on the remote machine.
    • On Windows, you can check this by opening the Services application (services.msc) and looking for ShipEngine-related services. Ensure they are started.
  2. Remote Machine Accessibility:
    • Verify that you can connect to the remote machine. Ensure it is reachable over the network and there are no firewall rules blocking the connection.
    • Try pinging the remote machine IP address or using remote desktop to access it.
  3. Restart Services:
    • Sometimes, simply restarting the services can resolve the issue. In the Services application, right-click the ShipEngine services and select “Restart.”
  4. Check Service Dependencies:
    • Ensure all dependencies required by ShipEngine services are also running. This can usually be checked in the properties of the service under the “Dependencies” tab.
  5. Review Logs:
    • Check the logs for ShipEngine services on the remote machine. Logs can often provide specific error messages or hints about what might be going wrong.
  6. Configuration Settings:
    • Verify that the configuration settings for ShipEngine are correct. This includes checking any configuration files or settings in the ShipEngine application to ensure they are pointing to the correct resources.
  7. Update ShipEngine:
    • Ensure you are running the latest version of ShipEngine. There may be bug fixes or improvements in newer versions that resolve the issue.
  8. Permissions:
    • Ensure that the user account running the ShipEngine services has the necessary permissions to execute and access required resources on the remote machine.
  9. Reinstall ShipEngine:
    • If none of the above steps work, consider reinstalling the ShipEngine services on the remote machine.

If the problem persists after trying these steps, you might need to reach out to ShipEngine support.

Published by

Bob Lin

Bob Lin, Chicagotech-MVP, MCSE & CNE Data recovery, Windows OS Recovery, Networking, and Computer Troubleshooting on How to Install and Configure Windows, VMware, Virtualization and Cisco on

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