The Operations Manager Server could not execute WMI Query “Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem” on computer Server name.
Operation: Agent Install
Error Code: 800706BA
Error Description: The RPC server is unavailable.
Troubleshooting: 1. Make sure Remote Registry service is running
2. It could be the firewall issue. Turn off the Firewall on the client for a test.
3. Make sure all these services are running: Netlogon, Windows Installer, Windows Updates.
4. Make sure these port are opens:javascript:window[“$iceContent”]
- RPC endpoint mapper Port number: 135 Protocol: TCP/UDP
- *RPC/DCOM High ports (2000/2003 OS) Ports 1024-5000 Protocol: TCP/UDP
- *RPC/DCOM High ports (2008 OS) Ports 49152-65535 Protocol: TCP/UDP
- NetBIOS name service Port number: 137 Protocol: TCP/UDP
- NetBIOS session service Port number: 139 Protocol: TCP/UDP
- SMB over IP Port number: 445 Protocol: TCP
4. Install the Agent manually.