Q: We get more and more this problem. When we install Windows 10 update, it take 1 or 2 hour, sometimes, it seems taking forever. What can we do it?
Chicagotech.net: here are some suggestions.
- Install the updates at night. That will give Windows 10 more time to install the updates.
- Install the update manually. You can install one update at once.
- Do install once per week or once per month. Don’t let the updates cumulate too many.
- Download the updates first and install them manually. Go to this link to download Windows update tool: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10.
- Using WSUS or System Management to push the updates to group computers.
- Install Windows Update in Clean Boot by running msconfig.
- Install Windows 10 update using Windows 10 Update Assistant.
restarting solved the Windows update stuck issue while the Windows reverted back to its original state for other users.