Event id 13508 - The File Replication Service is
having trouble enabling replication
FRS event ID 13508 is a warning that the FRS service has been unable to
complete the RPC connection to a specific replication partner. It indicates
that FRS is having trouble enabling replication with that partner and will
keep trying to establish the connection. You may have three tourbleshooting
1. If you receive a single FRS event ID 13508 followed by FRS event ID
13509, which indicates that the problem was resolved. You don’t need to take
any action.
2. If you receive a single FRS event ID 13508 without other FRS errors, try
1) Make sure both FRS server have good connection.
2) Make sure that FRS is running on the remote computer. Type the following
command at a command prompt on the computer that logged the FRS event ID
13508 and press ENTER:
ntfrsutl version <FQDN of remote domain controller>
If this fails, check network connectivity by using the Ping command to ping
the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the remote domain controller from
the computer that logged the FRS event ID 13508. If this fails, then
troubleshoot as a DNS or TCP/IP issue. If it succeeds, confirm that the FRS
service is started on the remote domain controller.
3) Check the networking, firewalls, DNS configuration, or Active Directory
4) Determine whether anything between the two machines is capable of
blocking RPC traffic, such as a firewall or router.
3. If you receive a FRS event ID 13508 with other FRS errors,
troubleshooting the other errors first. You can use dcdiag to find other FRS
errors. Related Topics
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