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"You cannot initiate a Remote Desktop Connection"

Symptom: When attempting to establish a Remote Desktop connection to a TS or XP, you may receive the following error message:

"You cannot initiate a Remote Desktop Connection because the Windows logon software on the remote computer has been replaced by incompatible software

path to Graphical Identification and Authentication file

To correct this problem, please have the administrator of the remote computer contact the program vendor for a version that is compatible with Windows."

Causes: This problem can occur if the Graphical Identification and Authentication file (by default, Msgina.dll) that is installed on the remote computer is not compatible with Remote Desktop. A good example is that pcAnywhere may install a dll file that is incompatible RDC.

Resolutions: To resolve this problem, contact the manufacturer of the incompatible Graphical Identification and Authentication file to inquire about the availability of a version of this file that is compatible with Windows XP, or uninstall the software that has replaced the Graphical Identification and Authentication file.

To determine the manufacturer or program that has installed the incompatible Graphical Identification and Authentication file. use Windows Explorer to locate Msgina.dll. Right-click the file, and then click Properties. Click the Detailed Version Information tab.

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